A growing melanoma sculpture, ‘The Spot’, is currently on display at Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi. The sculpture, which began at around five metres and continues to expand to over 20 metres wide, was created by two creatives from Ogilvy Health, in collaboration with The Glue Society and The Beautiful and Useful Studio.
Impact of Malignant Melanoma on Employment and Work Ability
The study underscores the importance of addressing work-related concerns for patients with melanoma, advocating for effective communication about rehabilitation options.
Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy Tackles Treatment Blind Spot in Advanced Melanoma
Treatment options after progression on anti–PD-1 and BRAF/MEK inhibitors have been limited but TIL therapy has expanded metastatic melanoma treatment.
Longer Time Until Recurrence Associated With Better Melanoma Outcomes
An expert explains study findings that associate a longer time until postsurgical melanoma recurrence with improved progression and survival.