The MRV Governance Committee represents each of the partner organisations, multiple clinical and non-clinical disciplines and numerous melanoma research interests. Governance Committee approval is required to access MRV data or biospecimens.
Governance Committee

Prof Grant McArthur

A/Prof Victoria Mar

Dr Damien Kee

Dr Craig Underhill

Dr David Speakman

A/Prof Shahneen Sandhu

Prof Mark Shackleton

A/Prof Andrew Haydon

Dr Jessica Da Gama Duarte

Mrs Alison Button-Sloan
Past Governance Committee Members
- Dr Campbell Rose
- Prof John Kelly
- Prof Ian Davis
- Prof Jonathan Cebon
- Mr Paul White
- Mr David Gyorki
MRV Staff
- Ms Sonia Mailer
- Ms Kristy Banes-Cullen
- Ms Karen Winch
- Ms Jo Hawking
- Ms Karen Scott