Melanoma Research Victoria (MRV) is an award-winning collaborative research program that engages with all stakeholders, including patients; carers; researchers; clinicians; government; and industry, to improve outcomes for melanoma patients. Its multi-faceted organisation includes six key components:
- Clinical cohort recruited from five key Victorian melanoma clinics;
- Clinical data and biospecimens generously donated by the cohort participants;
- Governance Committee and Administrative staff;
- Consumer Reference Group (CRG);
- Clinical and non-clinical researchers conducting quality collaborative research locally, nationally and internationally;
- Collaborative relationships with the wider melanoma community, the public, pharmaceutical companies and government.
MRV’s Mission Statement
To improve outcomes for melanoma patients through supporting research using data, biospecimens and the collaborative power of participants with lived melanoma experience
MRV’s Vision Statement
Striving to eliminate the impact of melanoma
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