When we think of the word “antioxidant," we often associate it with health and vitality. Fruits and vegetables “rich in antioxidants" are a good thing after all, right? A new study conducted in mice, however, suggests that antioxidants can actually double the rate of melanoma metastasis.
MRV Research
Antioxidants cause malignant melanoma to metastasize faster
Fresh research at Sahlgrenska Academy has found that antioxidants can double the rate of melanoma metastasis in mice. The results reinforce previous findings that antioxidants hasten the progression of lung cancer. According to Professor Martin Bergö, people with cancer or an elevated risk of developing the disease should avoid nutritional supplements that contain antioxidants.
Surgery on melanoma that has spread into abdomen more than doubles patient survival time
Great Neck, NY – Patients with metastatic melanoma who undergo surgery to remove lesions that have spread into the abdomen live more than twice as long as those treated with drug therapy alone, according to novel new research by a North Shore-LIJ Health System cancer surgeon.
Surgery for Advance Melanoma Extends Survival
New research suggests that for patients with melanoma that has spread to the abdomen, surgical removal of the tumor can extend survival.
The study was led by Dr. Gary Deutsch, now a surgical oncologist at North Shore-LIJ Health System in Great Neck, N.Y. His team tracked outcomes for 1,600 patients, treated at some point between 1969 and 2014.