Brian Gastman MD, discusses how findings from CheckMate76K contributed to the rationale for a biomarker analysis in that trial’s patient population, key findings from this biomarker analysis, and how these findings may inform further research regarding the benefits of immunotherapy in earlier-stage disease.
Chronic Immune-Related Adverse Events Common in Anti-PD-1 Therapy for Melanoma
Endocrine toxic effects were more likely than nonendocrine to become chronic and continue at last follow-up.
Breakthrough melanoma treatment saves grandfather’s eyesight
Blind in his left eye after a stroke three years ago, 70 year old Geoff was fully reliant on his right eye.
New insights into melanoma development and therapy
Osaka, Japan – Malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer that originates from melanocytes or nevi, causing about 80% of skin cancer-related deaths. While some cases have shown significant response to existing molecular targeted therapies, as well as immune checkpoint inhibitors, there are also instances in which these treatments have proven ineffective.