Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy is a type of treatment for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, which blocks proteins on tumor or immune cells that prevent the immune system from killing cancer cells. While this treatment has shown some clinical success in patients with advanced stages of melanoma, its efficacy depends on reliable predictors of a patient’s response to the therapy.
Researchers decipher the mechanism that enables skin cancer to metastasize to the brain – and inhibited its spread by 80%
Researchers from Tel Aviv University deciphered, for the first time, a mechanism that enables skin cancer to metastasize to the brain and managed to delay the spread of the disease by 60% to 80% using existing treatments. The encouraging study was led by Prof.
Influencers urged to ‘stop glamorising sunburn’
Social media influencers are being “pleaded" to stop glamorising tanning online and instead encourage sun safety, as the Melanoma Institute claim casual references to sunburn on the internet normalise behaviours that feed “the most deadly cancer for young Australians."
Boland Discusses Melanoma Treatment Updates
Genevieve Boland, MD, PhD, vice chair of Research in the Department of Surgery, director of the Therapeutic Intralesional Program, surgical director of the Termeer Center for Targeted Therapies, and section head of Melanoma/Sarcoma Surgery, discusses the latest updates to the melanoma treatment landscape.