A significant gap in research on psychosocial wellbeing among patients newly diagnosed with melanoma in situ (MIS) exists, according to the results of a systematic review published in Melanoma Research.
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Lymphoid Aggregates as Positive Prognostic in Overall Survival for Melanoma
Because the prevalence and impact of immature precursor lymphoid structures known as lymphoid aggregates (LAs) remain unresolved in relation to metastatic cutaneous melanoma disease progression, researchers examined the characteristics and prognostic ability of LAs and tertiary lymphoid structures (TLSs) in histologic samples from patients with melanoma.
In-Person Exam With Dermoscopy Yields More Accurate Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Accuracy in diagnosing skin cancer varies depending on the examination method used and on the physician’s specialty and experience level, according to research published in JAMA Dermatology.
Overall melanoma incidence decreasing among young patients
The incidence rates per 1 million person-years among pediatric and adolescent/young adult patients were 1.74 and 62.05.