For patients with melanoma, treatment with CAR-T cell therapy may come along with pros and cons to consider.
Health Professionals
Remote Telemedicine Tool Found Highly Accurate in Diagnosing Melanoma
Collecting images of suspicious-looking skin growths and sending them off-site for specialists to analyze is as accurate in identifying skin cancers as having a dermatologist examine them in person, a new study shows.
Immunotherapy Combination for Cutaneous Melanoma
Presurgical treatment with the novel drug vidutolimod and the PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab may improve outcomes in patients with stage III cutaneous melanoma, according to a recent study published by Davar et al in Cancer Cell.
MyMelanoma study selected to join NHS DigiTrials initiative
Three projects – including the Oxford-led MyMelanoma study – have been selected to join an NHS initiative, which aims to sign up tens of thousands of volunteers over the next two years to help improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.