Please click on the link to see a list of melanoma journal citations that crossed the MRV desk this month.
Scientific Publications
Mechanical Stress May Play a Role in Plantar Melanoma
Mechanical stress on the plantar surface of the foot, which is typical of normal weightbearing on the foot, is associated with a higher formation of plantar melanoma compared with other non-weightbearing areas of the body.
Late recurrence of melanoma after ten years – Is the course of the disease different from early recurrences?
In this retrospective study involving 1,537 melanoma patients, researchers examined clinicopathological characteristics and the course of melanoma to identify prognostic factors, contrasting early and late recurrence (LR), defined as melanoma recurrence 10 years after the first diagnosis, in patients followed at the Department of Dermatology of the University Hospital of Tübingen between February 1976 and June 2015.
The interplay of sun-damage and genetic risk in Australian multiple and single primary melanoma cases and controls
This study was undertaken to determine if the level of UV damage at the site of melanomas was correlated with genetic polymorphisms.