Given that the role of the Angiopoietin (Angpt)-TIE signaling pathway is to control vascular maturation as well as to maintain the quiescent phenotype of resting vasculature, and scattered reports have shown tumor cells as a source of ANGPT2, researchers performed in situ hybridization-based detection of ANGPT2 and identified that a subset of melanoma patients exhibited a strong tumor cell expression of ANGPT2.
Scientific Publications
Scientists have identified protein involved in progression of lung cancer and melanoma
Scientists from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Russia), University of Geneva (Switzerland), Minjiang University, and Fuzhou University (China) pointed out WDR74 protein playing an important role in lung cancer and melanoma primary tumors/metastases progression.
Molecular profiling of noncoding mutations distinguishes nevoid melanomas from mitotically active nevi in pregnancy
Given the challenges in the accurate recognition of subtle melanomas and their distinction from benign mimics and that particularly, melanomas bearing resemblance to benign nevi (so-called nevoid melanomas, NMs) and benign mitotically active nevi in pregnancy (MANP) are prone to error.
Visual outcome at 4 years following plaque radiotherapy and prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab (every 4 months for 2 years) for uveal melanoma: Comparison with nonrandomized historical control individuals
Researchers undertook a retrospective, nonrandomized, interventional cohort analysis to assess visual outcomes after the administration of prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab in patients with plaque-irradiated uveal melanoma.