Scientific Publications

Tumor cell-derived angiopoietin-2 promotes metastasis in melanoma

Given that the role of the Angiopoietin (Angpt)-TIE signaling pathway is to control vascular maturation as well as to maintain the quiescent phenotype of resting vasculature, and scattered reports have shown tumor cells as a source of ANGPT2, researchers performed in situ hybridization-based detection of ANGPT2 and identified that a subset of melanoma patients exhibited a strong tumor cell expression of ANGPT2.

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Visual outcome at 4 years following plaque radiotherapy and prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab (every 4 months for 2 years) for uveal melanoma: Comparison with nonrandomized historical control individuals

Researchers undertook a retrospective, nonrandomized, interventional cohort analysis to assess visual outcomes after the administration of prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab in patients with plaque-irradiated uveal melanoma.

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MRV News
Melanoma News