Melanoma patients will be able to receive targeted treatment within hours with a Melbourne-developed new blood test that acts as a non-invasive biopsy.
MRV Projects
MMP Research Paper Published in Oncotarget
Congratulations to Dr Andrew Colebatch who has recently published an excellent melanoma paper, utilising biospecimens from the Melbourne Melanoma Project, in the Journal Oncotarget. Andrew, who was featured in the MMP Newsletter #5 in September 2015, has provided us with a brief description of the scientific paper’s findings:
AJCC 8th Edition Melanoma Staging Analysis
The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is the organisation responsible for devising cancer staging systems which are used by most cancer clinicians and researchers around the world as a unifying language to describe patients as well as to predict outcome for patients.
Project title: Antibody-based biomarkers in melanoma
Melanoma, commonly known as Australia’s national cancer, is the deadliest type of skin cancer and its incidence is continuing to increase worldwide. Locally, melanoma is also the most commonly diagnosed cancer in adolescents and young adults aged between 15 and 29 years. Novel medical research aimed at improving the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma is a field of great necessity nation-wide.