Study links tanning bed use to rising melanoma rates in New England

Melanoma accounts for only 1% of skin cancers in the United States but results in the largest number of skin cancer deaths. Investigators evaluated the potential link between the availability and use of tanning beds and the rising rates of melanoma in New England. They found compelling evidence linking tanning bed usage to increased melanoma risk. Their spatial epidemiologic study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, published by Elsevier, provides critical insights to inform public health strategies and reduce melanoma incidence.

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Dr. John Fruehauf on a New Standard of Care for Stage III Melanoma

Dr. John Fruehauf, field medical director at Evolent, and specialist in melanoma, spoke to DocWire News about some of the challenges associated with treating melanoma in stage III disease, and about the NADINA trial, which demonstrated the robust efficacy of neoadjuvant nivolumab in combination with ipilimumab in the treatment of stage III melanoma. The trial findings, which Dr. Fruehauf details, represent a new standard of care in melanoma.

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