Patients with primary thyroid cancer who received radioactive iodine therapy had elevated risk for melanoma/skin cancer.
The scientist who tested his revolutionary medicine on his own brain cancer: ‘It seemed worth it to give it a crack’
Richard Scolyer was fully engaged in the business of living when he suddenly received a death sentence. A person more alive would be hard to find. As an endurance athlete competing across the globe, he was in peak physical condition. As one of the world’s leading pathologists on melanoma whose pioneering research has saved thousands of lives, he was in demand. At 56, Prof Richard Scolyer was flying along. His life, he says, was “rich”. And then, on the morning of 20 May 2023, he found himself losing consciousness and convulsing on the floor in a hotel room in Poland, panicking and scared.
Immunotherapy Combination May Demonstrate Benefit in Patients With Cutaneous Melanoma
Presurgical treatment with the novel drug vidutolimod and the PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab may improve tumor control in patients with stage III cutaneous melanoma, according to a recent study published by Davar et al in Cancer Cell.
Latest data reveals NSW’s top melanoma hotspots
The Cancer Institute NSW’s newly released melanoma hotspot map reveals Ballina, Lismore, Byron, Clarence Valley and Coffs Harbour local government areas (LGAs) have the state’s highest rates of melanoma, with almost 350 cases projected to be diagnosed in those areas in 2024.