The big impact of MEK inhibitors has been 2-fold. One is that it delays resistance, which you know, you have this additional blockade for cells that have somehow managed to live without BRAF.
Video Reports
Novel Agents for the Treatment of Melanoma
Jeffrey S. Weber, MD, PhD: There’s a whole raft of phase III trials that will come to mature—SD-101, CMP-001, the MASTERKEY-265—and then there’s the NKTR-nivolumab trial.
Immunotherapy vs TKIs in BRAF+ Metastatic Melanoma
Sanjiv S. Agarwala, MD: The metastatic melanoma has similar issues and discussions.
Management of Relapsed/Refractory Metastatic Melanoma
Sanjiv S. Agarwala, MD: Perfect segue to talk about the resistant patients.