Geelong’s Jenny Thulborn, 60, first discovered she had melanoma 30 years ago after the birth of her second child. Now cancer-free, she will participate in the Melanoma Institute Australia’s Geelong Melanoma March on March 3. She speaks with Jena Carr about her journey through many health scares and surviving stage four melanoma.
Patient Stories
After stage 4 melanoma diagnosis, treatment, William Shatner shares new outlook on life
Actor William Shatner shared his melanoma story with attendees of the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting.
Skin cancer is no joke: I’m one of the lucky ones but the threat of malignant melanoma still impacts my life
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, just six months after treatment for breast cancer. She had several moles removed during breast reconstruction surgery, with one of them being identified as cancerous.
Breakthrough melanoma treatment saves grandfather’s eyesight
Blind in his left eye after a stroke three years ago, 70 year old Geoff was fully reliant on his right eye.