South Australian researchers are working to improve outcomes for skin cancer patients after discovering a particular protein may determine the fate of people with the disease.
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“I Thought ‘I’ll Be Right’”: What It’s Like Living With Stage 4 Melanoma
Unfortunately, men are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer than women, at 1 in 2 men. Bowel cancer, melanoma and lung cancer are three of the four most common cancers in both men and women. However, men are considerably more likely to be diagnosed and die from these cancers.
Fox name for new melanoma trials centre
Victoria’s new Melanoma and Clinical Trials Centre will be named after trucking billionaire and philanthropist Paula Fox.
Melanoma map shows skin cancer is on the rise in Canada
Rates of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, are on the rise in Canada. Those living in southern and coastal areas are most at risk, according to a new study led by McGill University.