Spring fever has hit the nation, and young and old are running out to enjoy the warm temperatures and longer days. But the Centers for Disease Control warns that more sun leads to the most common type of cancer in the U.S. – skin cancer.
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Melanoma Monday 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts
Melanoma Monday 2023: The American Academy of Dermatology created Melanoma Monday, which occurs on the first Monday in May May 1 this year three weeks prior to National Safe Sun Week, to raise awareness of the disease’s symptoms, causes, and prevention, and the day has become associated with wearing black clothing. Melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer, affects one in fifty Americans at some stage in their lives. There are numerous ways to prevent melanoma, so spend extra time today learning how to lower your risk!
Australia, New Zealand, Israel.Thirty years ago, these three countries topped the list for incidence of melanoma, the least common but most dangerous form of skin cancer.
Why melanoma is so deadly for men, and why it doesn’t have to be
As his patient sat on the examining table, dermatologist Jeremy Brauer explained the pathology report, letting him know that the lesion on his chest was skin cancer and that minor surgery would be required to remove it.