Vitamin D Supplements May Reduce Melanoma Risk

Source: Cancer Health, February 2023

People who regularly take vitamin D supplements may have a lower likelihood of developing melanoma, according to study results published in Melanoma Research. The research was done in the North Savo region of Finland, which is near the Arctic Circle and gets little winter sunlight.
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient needed to maintain healthy bones. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and it supports good immune function. Vitamin D is present in foods such as fortified milk and certain fish, and it can also be taken as a supplement. The body makes vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but people with limited sun exposure may not make enough. This is a risk for people living at latitudes that get little sun for part of the year and those who spend most of their time indoors.

Ilkka Harvima, MD, PhD, of the University of Eastern Finland, and colleagues explored the potential link between vitamin D intake and the development of malignant skin conditions, including melanoma. Previous research on this has yielded conflicting results.

