Tell Me, ChatGPT, Is This a Melanoma?

Source: Medscape, August 2024

In September 2023, a new feature was added to ChatGPT (OpenAI) that allows the analysis of images, including those obtained through dermatoscopy. This version of ChatGPT might help clinicians identify the nature of skin lesions, but its ability to do so must be verified.

In a letter to the editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, a team reported its experience in exploring the performance of ChatGPT Vision in diagnosing melanoma from dermatoscopic images.

Dermoscopic images, including cases confirmed by melanoma and benign nevi histopathology, were extracted from the archives of the International Skin Imaging Collaboration. The images were submitted to ChatGPT Vision with a request for three differential diagnoses to be ranked from most to least likely.

