Surfers three times more likely to develop melanoma: study
Source: ABC News, March 2015

Source: ABC NET
Australian surfers are developing potentially fatal melanomas at three times the national average, new research has found.
The finding is the result of a Bond University online survey of 1,350 surfers across the country into the occurrence of skin cancer over their lifetime.
Bond University Water-Based Research Unit Associate Professor Mike Climstein says it is a startling statistic.
“The 26-year prevalence rate for melanoma in Australia was 0.6 per cent at the end of 2007," he said.
“We actually found the [surfer] melanoma rate is 1.9 per cent, just over threefold higher, which is a significant finding."
The study found lighter-skinned surfers are at most risk, with many reporting multiple types of skin cancers.
However, he said it did not necessarily mean Australia’s estimated 2.7 million recreational surfers were at greater risk than other regular beachgoers.
“There’s not a lot of studies that have been conducted with aquatic recreational sporting enthusiasts so we really don’t know a whole lot," Associate Professor Climstein said.
“We know quite a bit about skin cancers but the lifetime incidence of skin cancer in, for example, lifeguards, surf lifesavers – it’s still to be investigated fully."
Associate Professor Climstein said the results highlighted the importance of sun protection, especially around the face.
“When we look at the reported locations of skin cancers … about 23 per cent had them on the face and that was followed by the back at 16 per cent and the arms," he said.
“Being exposed to the sun predisposes them to increased risk."
He urged surfers to cover up from the sun with rash vests, hats and sunscreen and to ask for regular skin checks from their GP.