Free toolkit for clubs to keep members safe in the sun

Source: Archery GB, May 2023

With the weather warming up, and the Met Office predicting another summer of high temperatures, it’s important to factor in sun protection within your health and safety advice, specifically to those who spend prolonged periods outdoors. And with archers returning to outdoor ranges to train, compete or run courses, we want to give you an easy way to encourage people to think about sun safety.

Sunguarding Sport by the Melanoma Fund, is a free campaign for sports clubs and groups to help raise awareness of sun protection and encourage action, where and when it matters. Supported by the UK’s leading national governing bodies of sport, including Archery GB, and written by leading experts in both sport and science, the content is relevant and accurate. The resources provide easy-to-follow guidelines and sport specific advice around sun and heat protection, with a downloadable toolkit for clubs and groups, containing posters, banners and social posts for both print and digital use.

The Melanoma Fund says that not only can UV rays damage skin, causing it to age faster, they are also responsible for skin cancer, the world’s most common cancer, with those who enjoy an outdoor lifestyle at the highest risk. Incidence of melanoma has doubled since the ‘90s and is forecast to double again over the next 20 years. Unlike other cancers, its 90% preventable with adequate sun protection, which is something you can help impact, by encouraging better habits.

