Closing Thoughts on Intralesional Therapy for Melanoma and CSCC

Source: OncLive, May 2023

Sunandana Chandra, MD, MS: Dr Pavlick, given the logistical challenges of delivering intralesional therapies, can you describe the way your practice does it so our audience can glean some tips as they try to develop these in their own institutions and hospitals?

Anna C. Pavlick, DO: Sure. I am a big believer in making sure that all of my advanced care providers are very skilled and adept at being able to inject tumors. My NPs [nurse practitioners] have all been trained, so it keeps the clinic flow moving. At the beginning of the day, we will identify which room we’re going to be injecting in. We also let housekeeping knowwe’re going to need them to come up, so we don’t have to deal with a room that’s closed down all day, and it’s appropriately disinfected.

If it looks like it’s a [busy] clinic day, I will schedule these patients toward the end of the day. The patients will come in, get their infusions, and then at the end of the day I will have focused time, where even if I have 2 or 3 patients who are getting injected, we can fill up the rooms because the rooms are all going to get terminally cleaned at the end of the day. We can put patients in rooms, I can inject, my nurse practitioner can inject, and then the patients can leave. I think it takes a village to get this done because it’s a lot of coordination, but if you can do it properly…. You need to schedule appropriately to make it run smoothly.

