Adjuvant Multipeptide Vaccine Combination Prolongs Survival in Melanoma

Source: OncLive, May 2024

A multipeptide vaccine combination approach with 12MP plus 6MHP vs 12MP plus tet extended overall survival in patients with stage IIB to IV melanoma.

Adjuvant treatment with a CD8-positive T cell-targeted multipeptide vaccine (12MP) in combination with a CD4-positive T cell-directed 6 melanoma-specific helper peptides (6MHP) vaccine led to prolonged survival vs 12MP plus a nonspecific helper peptide vaccine from tetanus toxoid (tet) in patients with stage IIB to IV melanoma, according to findings from a post-hoc analysis. The post-hoc analysis of a phase 2 clinical trial (NCT00118274) published in Nature Communications also showed that benefit appeared confined to male patients.

At a median follow-up of 8.6 years, the median overall survival (OS) interval was not reached among patients who received 12MP plus 6MHP (n = 85) compared with 12.9 years for patients treated with 12MP plus tet (n = 82). Additionally, at 2.5 years post-enrollment, the estimates for OS favored the 6MHP arm over the tet arm (HR 0.65; 95% CI; 0.40-1.05, P?=?.08). The estimated 5-, 10-, and 15-year OS rates in the 6MHP arm were 74% (standard error [SE] ± 5%), 68% (SE ± 5%), and 61% (SE ± 6%), respectively; these respective rates were 68% (SE ± 5%), 56% (SE ± 6%), and 45% (SE ± 7%) in the tet arm.

