Prognosis of patients with stage III melanoma according to American Joint Committee on Cancer Version 8: A reassessment on the basis of 3 independent stage III melanoma cohorts

Source: MDLinx, August 2020

Given that three new therapies were approved recently for the adjuvant treatment of stage III melanoma, substantially decreasing the risk of tumor recurrences, researchers assessed three independent data sets to clarify the survival probabilities of individuals with stage III melanoma.

The Central Malignant Melanoma Registry (CMMR) assessed 1,553 individuals with a primary diagnosis of stage III melanoma from 2000 to 2012.

Studies from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), of 573 patients in the observation arm of the 18991 study and 445 patients in the placebo arm of the 18,071 study, have been assessed as reference cohorts.
